A Simple Key For フラット 電子 レン�?Unveiled

- 油圧タンクを分離し、熱や振動が機械に伝わるのを防ぐ�?熱や振動を機械に伝えない

Description-ja: command-line interpreter for that php5 scripting language This package provides the /usr/bin/php5 command interpreter, useful for screening PHP scripts from the shell or doing common shell scripting tasks. . The subsequent extensions are in-built: bcmath bz2 calendar Main ctype day dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gettext hash iconv libxml mbstring mhash openssl pcntl pcre Phar posix Reflection session shmop SimpleXML cleaning soap sockets SPL common sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib.

Description-ja: binding to get destinations into your launcher - progress data files libunity is usually a shared library to have the ability to connect with the launcher and incorporate locations in Unity setting.

Description-ja: GTK+ frontend for your apport crash report procedure apport mechanically collects knowledge from crashed procedures and compiles a challenge report in /var/crash/.

Description-ja: Provides an API for accessing social networks libfriends presents a library for accessing social networks by way of close friends. . このパッケージには、アプリケーションから利用される共有ライブラリが含まれます�?Package deal: libfs-dev

Description-ja: Pseudo Terminal Library to the KDE System This library provides primitives to interface with pseudo terminal units in addition to a KProcess derived course for working child processes and speaking with them utilizing a pty.


Description-ja: Unicode 用の国際化コンポーネント ICU is a C++ and C library that gives robust and whole-highlighted Unicode and locale aid. This bundle incorporates debugging symbols with the more info libraries. Deal: libid3tag0

Description-ja: GObject introspection information for your colord library This offer includes introspection knowledge for libcolord, a gobject-based convenience library for courses to communicate with the colord program daemon.

Description-ja: model to synchronize multiple occasions above DBus - shared lib libdee can be a shared library that provides objects that enable getting various cases speaking in excess of DBus.

Use at to operate The task at a specified time batch to run The task when method load degrees permit Package: attr


Description-ja: Python three interface to libapt-pkg The apt_pkg Python three interface will offer comprehensive entry to The interior libapt-pkg structures letting Python three plans to easily accomplish many different features, for example: . - Access to the APT configuration program - Use of the APT deal info database - Parsing of Debian package deal Handle documents, along with other documents with an identical framework .


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